The Red Dog of Ulster never was King,
but if you cared, he'd make your heart sing.
I guess that's why that "The play's the Thing" schtick don't go so goodly
If you'd know more of me, go read the Tain Bo Cuailnge.
"Dulcet et Decorum est pro patria virii"
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Here's a more eloquent argument for the Living by:
Our Creator who are in Heaven, holy is your Name.
Your Realm Comes, your Will be done upon Earth as it is in Heaven.
Sustain us this day and forgive us our
trespasses as we forgive others.
And lead us not into temptation, but prevent us from evil,
for Yours is the Realm, the Power and the Glory, forever and ever.
Like my father before me, I believe that plants and animals are possessed
of souls as important in the scheme of things as those of men and women.
And another thing2: I didn't invent the 'net and last 50 years of
technologic advance that may have saved us all from the End,
Yous all Did.
I did spent 45 years as Your #1 Cheerleader
and for that, I am honored,
and you have my thanks.
Truly, Faire Dhub (don' mean what yer thinkin, am sure)